Thursday, April 30, 2009

MY SEDUCTION by Connie Brockway

My Seduction by Connie Brockway (Published by Pocket Books, 2004)
Three young men are driven by an oath they have taken unto themselves to pledge their service to the three surviving daughters of the man who gave his life to save theirs. As children, each of these young men had been saved from Scotland’s post Culloden destitution by monks to be honed and raised as warrior assassins. Bound together by their childhood horrors, raised as brothers, these three young men secretly assign themselves to one sister, telling the family that if ever they need assistance, the sisters should simply send a yellow rose to the Abbey at St. Bride’s in Scotland’s Highlands and they will be there as quickly as they can. Leaving behind a rare yellow rose bush with the family, they quietly leave and scatter to the four corners of the world.

MY SEDUCTION is the story of one of those warriors, Christian McNeill, and Lord Nash’s widowed daughter, Kate Nash Blackburn. Christian, or “Kit” as he is known, the son of a Scottish whore, a seasoned soldier who is hard, gruff and cynical and has never known softness or gentleness in his life. He is scarred in both body and soul. However, like all proud Highlanders, he is loyal and once his word is given, he will die rather than go back on it. He is also committed to discovering who betrayed him and his friends while on a secret mission in France. Kate Nash Blackburn was once one of the cosseted daughters of an English nobleman who loved dancing at balls, gossip and the latest fashions. She was married a year, when her dashing husband, a Lieutenant in his Majesty’s army, died on route to India. Six months later, the family received word that her father, who had been secretly meeting with France’s Louis XVI’s deposed government, traded his life for three Scottish spys. On the heels of this devastating news, comes word from her father’s solicitor that the annuity they had been living on had also died with their father. The once flighty Kate takes it upon herself to raise money by selling their belongings, settling unpaid bills and doing everything in her power to keep her sisters together and out of the poor house. Kate becomes the rock holding everyone and everything together.

Several years later, worn out, afraid and desperate, Kate accepts an invitation to a relative’s home in Scotland hoping to appeal to their good nature for monetary assistance. It is on the harrowing journey to Scotland, having been abandoned by her maid in a disreputable tavern and on the verge of being assaulted by ruffians that Kit McNeill steps out of the shadows and come to her assistance. He explains to a much surprised Kate that he has received her rose and will do all in his power to get her safely to her destination. And, thus begins a journey that will change both their lives.

MY SEDUCTION is the first of Connie Brockway’s Rose Hunters Trilogy. This is a wonderful book! I was totally engaged right from the first page. There are several interesting mysteries that are woven into Kate and Kit’s story. Betrayal of the foulest kind, murder, smugglers, danger and a dark secret are contained in this intricate plot. Connie Brockway’s descriptions of the Highland Moors are vivid and detailed. The romance is intense and lovely. I absolutely adored Kit’s character (what a hero!) and Kate was his perfect match.

Be warned. The great mystery is not solved in the end of this book. For it continues in MY PLEASURE, the second in Connie Brockway’s Rose Hunters trilogy. Needless to say, I highly recommend MY SEDUCTION and look forward to the continuing saga in MY PLEASURE! I have it and will be reading and reviewing it soon. ;)